The Review of Education

The Review of Education serves as an international forum for educational research and scholarship by publishing critical, synthesizing essays in all areas of education. These pieces explore approaches and implications of educational practice and policy both domestically and abroad, taking into account global forces which shape education at every level.
Review of Education publishes in-depth, well-reported research in several aspects of education. Its publications range from studies of educational institutions, their leaders, graduates and educational reform; evaluation theory and practice to current policy issues. With its broad and balanced approach to the field of education as a whole as well as applied research with international perspectives a priority, Review of Education stands as an indispensable journal in its field.
Review of Education publishes original research articles as well as substantial and comprehensive review articles (usually between 8,000 to 20,000 words) that integrate results from qualitative, quantitative, mixed method empirical studies that are relevant to educational research into an area of relevance for review. Such reviews often contribute original knowledge advances within an educational discipline area and could include systematic literature reviews, thematic narrative reviews or quantitative meta-analyses.
The Journal is committed to publishing high-quality scholarship that supports an ambitious social justice agenda and critical enquiry. Articles must also be relevant and interesting for an international generalist readership.
Teachers at all levels continue to develop as practitioners, and effective teaching requires ongoing reflection and feedback. Peer review in the form of classroom observation and collegial discussion allows instructors to consider, modify, and reexamine their teaching with support from colleagues. Summative peer assessment provides documentation for honors such as teaching awards as well as invaluable information that graduate students can incorporate into their portfolios for submission as teaching evidence.
As the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society, Review of Education seeks to promote intellectually rigorous comparative and international education research. Within a context of shifting world views, this journal promotes interrogation and innovation by supporting methodologies and approaches which challenge existing ways of knowing about education in all its manifestations; additionally it strives to increase representation of traditionally under-recognized educational spaces, contexts and topics – it is published by University of Chicago Press with both online and print versions available; join CIES to receive your free subscription!